We Offer The Right Tool For The Job

Forex Trading Tools

These free Forex tools and utilities can help you get started

Live Currency Quotes

View FXDD's current market rates and spread costs, as provided by leading banks and institutions.

Check out our spreads
Rollover Rates

See our current rates for Forex positions held until their value date and interest on unrealized Profit/Loss.

Current Rollover Rates
Rollover Rates

See our current rates for Forex positions held until their value date and interest on unrealized Profit/Loss.

Current Rollover Rates
Economic Calendar

The economic calendar of events shows a forecast of market moving news events in real-time.

View Our Calendar
FX Navigator

Exploring the forex markets can be treacherous. Count on FXNavigator to provide you with reliable charting and research to get you to your financial destination.

FX Navigator
Trading Calculators

Calculate indicator values and account pricing metrics with our all-in-one trading calculator.

Calculate Now
Report Viewer

Click here to access FXDD's Report Viewer portal.

Access Report Viewer Portal

FXDD’s innovative FXDDCloud system stores your trading information within our computing infrastructure.

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MetaTrader 1-Minute Data

MetaTrader 1-Minute (1M) Historical Data

View Historical Data
MT4 Floating Charts

This supplementary tool allows you to detach MT4 price charts from the terminal for use with multiple monitor set-ups.

Learn More
Server Status

View the current status of all FXDD servers and logs of any past incidents.

Current Server Status

FXDD provides Forex trading tools that can help you better understand Forex trading and calculate your profits and losses. Our bid/ask spread real-time quote streamer shows the standard and extreme spreads for most major currency pairs. We provide tools that can show you our current rollover rateswhich change based on currency pair price movements. The economic calendar is used by traders to help them stay on top of fundamentals. Trading on FXDDCloud can allow users to operate on any computer to access trading platforms like MetaTrader 4. FXDD AutoChartist and MT4 Floating Charts can help you monitor technical analysis trends and move charts on multiple monitors. Having trouble making a trade? You can utilize our server status updates or contact FXDD support so that you can be informed about any known issues.